Friday, March 16, 2018

Zander is 5!

5 years old seems so grown up! It is amazing to think that Zander is already 5 years old! Somehow we blinked and he is no longer a baby or a toddler, but a super sweet, funny, and smart little boy. He has changed so much over the last year. He looks very grown up because he is very tall. He is also getting stronger and does really well with climbing and going on big playground equipment. He is also a daredevil and loves going on rides (roller coasters), sledding and going down the big slide at the waterpark. He is very smart and is doing really well in school. He continues to do well with numbers and math and is doing some simple addition and subtraction. He is also beginning to read and knows some sight words and loves to sound out and spell words. He continues to love crafts and is now really into writing and spelling words. He loves to use scissors, tape, clips and anything crafty. His new obsession is Legos and he can put together complicated Lego sets with hundreds of pieces with just a little help. He will sit and play with Legos for hours! He continues to be a good helper and is excited he now gets an allowance for doing some chores. Of course, he also loves playing with his brother and continues to be a good teacher and is always teaching and encouraging Zaiden (sometimes not for the best things to be teaching!). The two of them love to come up with shenanigans and a favorite moment a few months ago is when he told mom, "you can sit right here in the chair and have free phone time. Zaiden and I will be in your don't have to come in. If something happens, it was an accident and Zaiden did it." True big brother!! We love our big guy and have so much fun together. We are looking forward to our next year with him and watching him begin kindergarten in the fall (AAHHHH!).

He had so much fun at Lego land! 

Celebrating his birthday (with his scratched up face from a fall down the steps while carrying packages) 

Riding the Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier for the first time for his birthday 

We went to a waterpark hotel to celebrate his birthday again 

Zander loved playing in the snow and sledding this year! 

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