Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer Days

We love summer! Jasmine is now off work for the summer and we are ready for some family fun! Zander has been battling some allergies, but he won't let that stop him from enjoying the outdoors. We have already had some visitors in town and traveled to Wisconsin for 2 weekends and are ready for more summer fun to come! Here is what we have been up to:
We had friends visit and Zander loved hanging out with Cooper and Olive and we all enjoyed a trip to Maggie Daley Park

His favorite friends, Charlie and Henry came to Chicago for a weekend and they spent a (cloudy) day at the beach

We took a trip to Wisconsin for a family reunion and Zander had fun hanging out with family and cousins as well as spending some time at the lake

We spent the 4th of July in Wisconsin and Zander loved the parade and hanging out with his Papa. He got a ton of candy and had would pick up as much as his hands could carry!

He also had a lot of fun at the park over the 4th of July playing kids games and going on in the bouncey houses and slides with his big cousins

Summer break means spending most days hanging out with mom including trips to parks, the zoo and picnics

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