Sunday, October 6, 2013

7 Months

Zander is now 7 month old and is busier than ever! He is so much more active and is always moving and exploring. He now rolls over all the time and is trying really hard to crawl. He brings his legs forward and tries to push himself forward. He usually just spins in the circle then ends up flailing or swimming! I am not sure Parker is ready for Zander to be mobile because Parker is usually his biggest motivation to move…..Zander really wants to keep up with him. He is also starting to sit more on his own and can sit for at least 1 minute on his own, although we still have to stay close by because he is so busy reaching for things, he will knock himself over and isn’t yet able to catch himself.  He continues to explore his toys and really likes his farm (exersaucer) and a toy he can make spin, but some of his favorite toys are everyday objects that make noise and he can get his hands on (he really loves….newspapers, bags of chips, shopping bags, boxes, and keys). Zeb and I really don’t think we need to buy him any toys as we already have all of his favorite things.  One of the other things that he is doing more of this month is laughing, and a baby laugh is probably the best sound in the world! Zander is such a fun baby and we are loving each stage he goes through! Now we just have to get our house ready for our curious little explorer!



 Zander is becoming very mischievous and grabs anything that is near him - sometimes it looks like he is building himself a fort!
He is trying very hard to crawl as he is always trying to get things he doesn't think he is supposed to have....or if Parker is near him
 A few weeks ago, Zander met his new 2nd cousin, Brynn
 He also got to play with his other cousin's, Natalie and Kirsten  - they really loved him and wanted to play with him

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