Saturday, January 12, 2019

Christmas 2018

We love Christmas! It has been so fun over the last few years to establish some of our own family traditions and we all look forward to many activities to celebrate the coming of Christmas all year long. Right after Thanksgiving, we begin by putting up our tree and decorations. We spend most weekends finding fun Christmas activities to enjoy together. This year we went to zoo lights, Rudolph play, watched Polar Express and other Christmas movies, and went on a Santa train ride. The boys also had school activities and a church pageant this year. We celebrated Christmas  with Jazzie's family In Wisconsin the weekend before Christmas then stayed at home to await Santa's arrival on Christmas Eve. We were joined Christmas day by Grandma and Grandpa and Aunt Maggie. We then headed to Iowa for the following weekend. The boys were very lucky and spoiled by everyone including Santa this year.

zoo lights

after school concert

Christmas eve

Christmas Eve

our Elf came to visit and caused a lot of trouble

Our Iowa trip also included an ER trip for a busted lip (luckily no stitches!)

Gingerbread houses at school


Leaving cookies and beer for Santa

Santa train

Botanical Gardens train