Friday, March 24, 2017

Vacation 2017

We had so much fun at spring training in Arizona last year, we decided to go back again this year. We made the trip to Arizona for a full week this time. We had a blast and were lucky to have friends join us this year as well. Having people to hang out with added to our fun while we were there. We loved the weather and being able to spend time outdoors, although some days got a little hot. Unfortunately, Zaiden came down with a virus and double ear infection and ended up in urgent care, but was a trooper even when he did not feel well. Both boys loved the airplane and being at the airport. Zander was a great traveler and was excited to be big enough to have his own suitcase this year. We spent almost every day at the pool. We went to the Phoenex zoo, 2 Cubs spring training games, Children's Museum, Arizona Sea Life Aquarium, Rainforest Cafe, Hiking and train park. We had a ton of fun, but were exhausted when we came home. We also left Chicago on a day with 50 degree weather only to return to 18 degrees and 6 inches of snow!

Zander is Four!

Zander is a big four year old! Four seems like a big number and we can't believe how big he is.  He is such as sweet, sensitive and smart little boy. He has made a lot of progress over the past year. He goes to pre-school 3 days a week and does really well. He is beginning to learn to write his letters. He reads some sight words (open, exit). He is so much stronger physically and does really well climbing at the playground and riding his new big boy bike. He continues to be a chatterbox and has a million stories to tell or a million questions. He has an amazing memory and remembers everything. He loves being a big brother and loves teaching Zaiden, bossing him around, and always comes to his rescue and comforts him when he is upset. We look forward to seeing what the next year brings for our little guy.

Build a Bear for his Birthday

We spent a night at a waterpark hotel and had a blast. He was able to go down the slides by himself

Celebrating with grandma and grandpa and friends 

Children's museum on his birthday 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Missing Grandpa

Our family has been very saddened by the loss of my grandfather this past January.  We knew his health was fading over the holiday season, but were so very thankful to have him for this last year to be able to celebrate and create lasting memories with him. He made it just after his 90th Birthday. He has been such a huge part of our lives and will be greatly missed. He was a constant throughout my life growing up and is a huge part of who I am. He was a great man, a hard worker, and devoted in faith. I am so grateful he was able to know our boys and they were able to meet him. I think of him every time I hear Zander say "bullshit!" which he so lovingly taught him!

With some of his grand-kids, great-grand kids at the 4th of July 

We celebrated his 90th Birthday early with a family party this summer 

Christmas 2016

We absolutely love Christmas and celebrated almost the whole month of December. We visited the holiday train, watched the Polar Express, and had breakfast with Santa. The boys were both very excited for Santa to come visit. Zander wrote a letter to Santa and asked for sleds and  toys cookies (what!?!) for both he and Zaiden. He also though Zaiden would like a pair of roller skates (for when he is bigger). Zaiden even got in on the action and would run to our Santa sign every time he heard "Santa." We celebrated with the boys at our home on Saturday morning then made the trip to Wisconsin to celebrate with extended family again this year followed by a trip to Iowa to see family and friends there. It was a very busy and fun holiday season!

Our 2016 holiday card photo 

Zaiden liked Santa....from far away (very far!) 

Zaiden waiting for his big brother to come down the stairs to open presents 

These were the best 2 photos I was able to capture from these silly boys!

even Parker was in the holiday spirit

Santa made it to Wisconsin!