Sunday, January 29, 2017


This fall was dominated by the Cubs. Zeb has always been a huge Cubs fan. This has become a big part of our relationship over the years. It was one of the appeals to move from Iowa to Chicago and the location of our previous condo (on Addison street). Going to Cubs game and events has been shared with our family and friends. This year, Zeb had the opportunity to purchase season tickets and it ended up being a pretty great first year! We started off the season with a trip to Arizona for Spring Training. We were able to go to many games throughout the season. Of course, we were then thrilled at the amazing success of the 2016 Cubs. We loved every minute of their post season success through winning the World Series. Zeb went to some of the early playoff games. We were so excited to be at Wrigley for the Division Series championship to send them to the World Series. Zeb was able to attend Game 4 of the World Series at Wrigley. We went out to join in with what seemed like the rest of Chicago to see the other World Series games including the night they won. It was such an amazing experience to share with so many people. We then took the boys the following day to Wrigley and I was able to take them to the parade (chose to watch from a safe distance at the lake front instead of fighting the massive crowds downtown). Zeb and I continued our celebration by attending the movie premier of the Cubs World Series movie. We can't wait for this next season and are planning a repeat tip to Spring Training!

Celebrating the Division win! 

Zeb's reaction was priceless the night the Cubs finally won the World Series 

our view of the parade 

movie premier 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Hospital Visits

We count our blessings that both boys are generally healthy, but this year we have had a few minor health issues. Zander has required breathing treatments (including ER trip and an ambulance ride) when he is sick. We have also been treating him for what is likely seasonal allergies. We found out the hard way, his symptoms have been early signs of asthma. After a trip to the zoo and the corn bin, Zander had an asthma attack requiring another ER visit. He is now in the process of being formally worked up and treated for asthma. Zaiden has had a lot of sleep difficulties since he was young. We have now discovered when he has trouble sleeping, it is often a sign of an ear infection. He has been treated for 7 ear infections in the past 9 months. This prompted the recommendation for ear tube placement. He had surgery for insertion of ear tubes into both ears in November. They have both been troopers throughout their experiences.

Fall Fun

Fall is one of my favorite times of year and of course the Gilliam family was busy this year. We took advantage of some warmer temperatures well into November this year. My part time schedule allows for many more trips, outings to parks, and playdates. Zander and Zaiden are both growing up so fast. They are becoming the best of friends (of course spend just as much time bugging each other and fighting too). 

Early season Apple Picking

Zander was brave this year and decided he was ready to take a pony ride at the apple orchard this year!

Family Run: Bridge Run in Grand Rapids, MI

We took a long weekend to Michigan and had a beautiful an fun filled fall trip

Grand Rapids zoo
Zeb took Zander on a daddy/son work day followed by a family trip down town including Hershey world and Lego land
water park day at the end of our Grand Rapids trip

Rainy and Cold days at the library are a favorite for all of us
Pumpkin Fest and Zander went on his first roller coaster (he enjoyed it for about 2 minutes, then really wanted to get off!)

visiting Auntie Boo including a trip to China Lights at the Botanical Gardens

getting some last minutes sunshine in on the warm fall days