We count our blessings that both boys are generally healthy, but this year we have had a few minor health issues. Zander has required breathing treatments (including ER trip and an ambulance ride) when he is sick. We have also been treating him for what is likely seasonal allergies. We found out the hard way, his symptoms have been early signs of asthma. After a trip to the zoo and the corn bin, Zander had an asthma attack requiring another ER visit. He is now in the process of being formally worked up and treated for asthma. Zaiden has had a lot of sleep difficulties since he was young. We have now discovered when he has trouble sleeping, it is often a sign of an ear infection. He has been treated for 7 ear infections in the past 9 months. This prompted the recommendation for ear tube placement. He had surgery for insertion of ear tubes into both ears in November. They have both been troopers throughout their experiences.