Tuesday, August 16, 2016


"GO!" this pretty much sums up Zaiden's personality and it is so fitting this is what we consider his first true word. He has always been a babbler and has had a lot of sounds. He had a few things that we though maybe sounded like words, but "GO" is for sure a purposeful word. He says it all the time when he is walking to the door or when he picks up a ball (or really his cup or any toy he has) and is going to throw it. He knows what the word meads and uses it at appropriate toys. He is still saying other things that sound like they are words for "dog" "bubble" "buba" for Zander "dada" and makes some sound I can't really describe for "cup" (maybe the P sound??). Our little buddy is sure growing fast now that he is WALKING  and TALKING!!

Just had to add a cute picture of this cool man!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Zaiden's first hair cut

Before the 4th of July, we decided to take Zaiden for his first haircut. His hair was getting a bit out of control with the water activities of the summer. He wasn't sure what to think at first, but then quickly decided it was horrible. He cried hysterically throughout most of the cut. It was really cute and kind of funny (sorry little buddy!). Big brother, Zander was there too and tried to show him it wasn't so bad, but Zaiden did not believe him and brought the drama! He looked so handsome after and recovered pretty quickly!

Zaiden is walking

Zaiden has been on the move for a while, but he took his time walking on his own. He has been standing for several months and walking with push toys, but he liked crawling. He was a very fast crawler which was nicknamed "speed crawl" in our house. You could always tell when Zaiden was on a mission with his crawl (following his brother, trying to get his brother's toys, or going to the stairs). He has finally decided it is time to walk and he now is able to walk most places. He can walk across the floor and has walked down the street with us. He is still working on his balance, but is getting pretty good. It has been exciting to watch his latest milestone achievement!