Monday, April 4, 2016

Zaiden 10 month

I am a little late getting to this post as Zaiden turned 10 months old last weekend over the Easter holiday weekend. 10 months brings a lot of activity for Zaiden. He is on the move and pulls to stand and cruises around furniture. He will stand for a few seconds on his own without holding on sometimes! He now knows where the things are that he is not supposed to have (chords, the dog bowl, etc) and as soon as someone is not looking will crawl at super speed to get there and then look very innocent when told "no." He is getting good at feeding himself and is starting to try more foods. He babbles a lot and has a few new sounds, but still not "mama," he is sticking with his "dada." He will sign more (by clapping his hands) for more food at dinner and raises his arms for "so big." He will sometimes wave bye if someone helps him first. He still loves to have the attention of his brother as well as from our dog, Parker. He is still having some challenges with sleep and has slept through the night a few (very magical and wonderful!) nights, but still wakes up frequently..... oh, well. This month brought a big change as he started a new daycare so he could continue to go to the same place as big brother, Zander who started in a pre-school. He is in the baby room and it is a bit of a change as he will not be with Zander (he was very sad on his first day when I left him there all alone....but only for a few minutes), but he also loves it as he now is around several other little babies his age. The teachers report he really likes "baby school" and loves to clap his hands during music and circle time! We are looking forward to having nicer weather so we can spend more time outside. We have had a few chances to take an afternoon wagon ride or spend time in the swing, which he LOVES!