Thursday, March 24, 2016

Family Vacation 2016

We took a long weekend getaway a few weekends ago to warm, sunny Arizona. This year, Zeb became a Cubs season ticket holder and is really excited to begin the season. We had talked about taking a trip to Spring Training for many years and decided this would be the year. This was Zaiden's 1st trip on an airplane and a long family vacation and he did really well. Both boys did great on both plane rides. We left Thursday night around bed time and arrived to Arizona very late, but we made it to the hotel and got a little sleep. On Friday, we spent the afternoon at the ball park to catch a spring training game and even met up with Aunt Maggie who makes the trip every year for some sunshine and baseball. We even had a little time to spend in the pool as well as made a few trips to some local parks to play. On Saturday, we returned to the ballpark and had a great afternoon in the warm sun watching the game from our picnic blanket on the lawn - this was a lot of fun for both boys to be outside. On Sunday we made a trip to the zoo where Zander and Zeb watched a 3D movie, we took a train ride and got to ride the carousel. We ended our trip on Monday before our flight back to Chicago with a visit to a train park. It was a great first vacation as a family of 4!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Zander is 3 years old!

How is this spunky, smart, sensitive, adorable little boy 3 years old already!? Zander is such a grown up little boy. This year has been amazing to watch how much he has grown. He is a tall and skinny little guy, but is a really good eater. He loves eating his fruits and vegetables....but also has a good appreciation for donuts and cupcakes! He is now able to run and jump and is getting really good at catching a ball. He likes to color and draw and loves to practice using his scissors. He can dress himself with just a little bit of help and is a big boy and can take himself to the bathroom. He talks.....a lot! We call him a chatterbox and he loves to tell stories and will often say, "can I tell you about....." and will tell a long story about something that happened at daycare or often his favorite topic....our recent trip to the water park. I also often hear "Mom, can I tell you something" and then he will have to stop and think about something he wants to say because he really just wants to talk. He is also able to sing several songs and likes to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle" to his little brother. He is also SO smart and is super excited to start pre-school later this month. He not only sings his ABCs, but can identify all the letters. He counts to 20 (usually skips 16, but who needs 16 anyway!). He knows all of his colors and shapes (his favorite is still the octagon). He seems like he is going to be a great reader. He is really good at pointing out symbols "Look mom, there is a Target truck or the gym sign - YMCA" He knows the lines of many of his favorite books (favorites are Mr. Brown can moo and the Ear book). He can also be funny and of course as a little boy, loves to talk about poop and farts!  We can't wait to see what this next year brings!

Our Birthday weekend celebration started with a trip to the Brookfield zoo with Grandma and Grandpa

Zander was so excited to get a new tricycle for his big day
 and so happy to have the warm weather to be able to enjoy riding it! 

We celebrated his Birthday with a small party at our place with family and a few friends
He picked a Paw Patrol Birthday theme