Wow! Zaiden is 1 year old! He is a curious, funny, energetic and adorable little boy. It has been so much fun for us to watch him grow! He shows us a lot of his personality and loves to be silly and loves to be inn on the action with the big boys. It is so much fun to see him grow and to watch him and his brother play and actually are beginning to act like brothers (laugh, play, fight, etc). We really though Zaiden would be walking by 12 months, but he has decided he really enjoys crawling and has an amazing speed crawl and has decided walking is too slow for him. He moves around really well, walks with toys, and can walk holding onto someone's hand (often with only one finger for support). He is also able to crawl up stairs....which also allows us to see his mischievous side as he will often sneak over to the stairs then alert us when he has made it up a few and greet us with a proud smile! He still likes to throw and bang toys (making noise is one of his favorite things to do), but he is now starting to play with toys (nesting cups, ring stack and putting cars on the race track). Although we really have not decided if he truly has used an "official" first word, he has several word approximations he uses consistently such as "dog" "bubble" "all done" and "hi." He will inconsistently wave "hi" and "bye" and is now blowing kisses. Putting his hands up for "so big" is also a favorite (which can be viewed in some of the pictures below). He is also getting his 2 top teeth (he already has his 2 bottom) and is eating a lot more foods. It is nice to have him eat dinner with us without having to plan any baby food. He has also been drinking from a straw cup more in preparation for his birthday and NO MORE bottles!!!! He also enjoys going to the playground now that it is nice and can crawl, cruise around the equipment and likes going down slides with a little help. His new favorite is the water table for summer.... he LOVES to splash! He is a fun little guy and of course can't wait to see what the next year brings!