Sunday, May 10, 2015

Spring Fun

The Gilliam family continues to be busy as we welcome the warmer weather. We have been enjoying getting back to the parks on the days the weather (and our schedule allows). We also had some fun trips and family events. We did not travel for spring break this year, but made the most of our time by visiting family/friends and enjoying our city. Unfortunately, Spring also brings allergy season and Zander is definitely showing signs of seasonal allergies but it hasn't changed his love for the outdoors.  He also currently has double pneumonia which lead to his first ambulance ride, which he loved! (he was doing OK and was a trooper - the Dr. at the clinic wanted us to take him to the hospital but wanted us to take an ambulance as a precaution as he had an elevated heart rate and some difficulty breathing). He now does not want to ride in the car and requests and ambulance every time! Zander is a very silly and is a chatterbox and is always telling us something or "singing" songs.  Playing with bubbles and drawing with chalk are some of his current favorite activities.  He is also doing really well at "school" and sings his ABCs with a little help and identifies some letters (with the help of his letter bath toys and alphabet floor mat). He now knows most colors. He loves shapes and octagons are still his favorite. We are looking forward to a fun filled summer and Jazzie is counting down the days until summer break!

Zander is taking his first park district class - Mom, Pop and Tot yoga. He loves it!

We celebrated "Family Day" (Zander's adoption day) at the Kohl Children's Museum. His favorite exhibits were the trains and the car wash

We spent Easter weekend in Wisconsin with Jazzie's family which included several Easter Egg Hunts

Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma and Grandpa's

Easter Egg Hunt with his favorite boys!

Enjoying some time outdoors after a long winter with Aunt Maggie
Grandpa Paul took Zander to the farm to visit the baby cows

We took a trip to Navy Pier for our Spring Break

Zander visited Build-A-Bear at Navy Pier and chose a Ninja Turtle, Leonardo. His favorite part was giving him a bath
After Spring break, we took a trip to Iowa to visit family and friends which included a wagon ride with his friends to get ice cream
We attempted a road race last fall, but Zander wanted no part in running it, but this spring he was ready to run. He "raced" the 20 yard dash in the kids race at the Ravenswood run......he loved it!

Last weekend we made a trip to St. Louis to visit friends and enjoyed the beautiful Missouri weather. We spent one day at the conservatory children's park and the following day at a local park before the long trip home