Friday, January 3, 2014

10 Months

Zander turned 10 months old on New Years Day. We have enjoyed having some extra time to spend with him over the holidays and he has been keeping us busy. Zander is on the move and we now spend a lot of our time chasing after him....and he keeps chasing the dog! He loves to explore the house and tends to find the few things you are trying to keep him away from (heating vents, outlets, cords, Parker's dog food, etc.), but has also enjoyed playing with some of his new Christmas toys. He is also on his way to becoming a climber....he likes to climb over things on the floor and when he is standing he tries to climb on what he is standing by (his play table or the couch). He continues to be a good eater and is exploring a lot of new tastes and prefers to finger feed himself as much as he can. His personality also continues to come through and he likes to be silly...bobbing his head, clapping for himself, dancing to music, and making new sounds. He's lots of fun and keeps us entertained.....and on our toes!

Hanging out with his girlfriend, Lydia, over Christmas (we're having fun watching them grow up together)